Paul Walker Tragedy

I really wish the media would stop bringing up articles such as Paul Walker’s death.  Not because I didn’t appreciate his contribution to this world but as in the death of Michael Jackson they were preventable. They didn’t have to happen.  It breaks my heart too bad to be reminded of  such a senseless death as these.

What good does it do  to keep blasting the public with images and headlines; can anyone tell me?  It’s like pouring salt or lemon  juice on a cut. The more someone keeps seeing the events over and over and over again it makes it harder to move past it.  What a horror to continue to see the pieces of his crumpled and torched car.

I feel the same about any senseless avoidable tragedy. I don’t like to keep seeing them in the media; it causes me to have a heavy heart each and every time.  There was no reason other than too much male testosterone in the Paul Walker death.  A man and his Porsche out on a reckless drive pushing the envelope until it ripped apart with the both of them in it.  I just can’t understand how the media find it fair to the children or those close to the people who have died in any horrific accidents.  Can’t you stop with the pictures at least?

What a traumatic way to lose your father in the first place but you have to watch as they keep plastering the image of the car everywhere.  That just seems heartless to me.  I didn’t even know the guy or his family but I feel the torment for them. I can only imagine what his family is going through.

Have a heart guys enough already!

Drunk Alabama fans hurls herself at an Oklahoma fan in a fit of liquid courage

My oh my what a sight did I see on the video Yahoo is playing from the Oklahoma Alabama game.  Growing up I watched as my step father and mother slipped into bad moods when the Atlanta Falcon’s lost a game but this is amazing.

A woman who from the looks of the video has been drinking then decides to harass a young male Oklahoma fan.  She stumbles towards him over the seats then grabs his chin while the young man remains very calm.  He doesn’t act aggressive in any manner.  She was there with another man who appeared to be drinking as well but sober enough to pull her away from the young man.  He eloquently tried to position her up further in the stands on the opposite of trouble but to no avail.

Her boyfriend or husband did what any man would do while drinking at a game; he turned to watch the play on the field.  As quickly as he spun her around to sit in the seat he offered her she spun around behind his back up and over the three rows of seats between her and that same young man.  She flew over people plummeting her fist into the back of this young man’s head.

She was literally people surfing as she proceeded to kick this poor young man and kick this young man as people tried to pull her off of him.  Finally the usher’s came, the police game but guess what?  She didn’t go to jail.  They didn’t even give her a ticket to show up in court for drunk and disorderly they merely escorted her out the door.

In her everyday life I bet she is a bully.  They say your true self comes out when you drink.   I wonder if the woman even had the decency to say thank you to the young Oklahoma fan for not pressing charges on her.  I certainly would have sent her to jail for the night.  Her male friend seemed to be a good-hearted guy.  He was a little distracted maybe but at least he didn’t try to pump his chest out at the young man. He simply pulled his woman off of the guy as he wasn’t looking for any trouble.  He took it in stride almost like he had done it a few times before.

I hate to say this about anyone but I hope she learns a lesson here real soon.  The guy she picked on that time was a gentle young soul.  The next time she goes to locking horns with a guy he might not be so nice.  Oh yeah I forgot for a minute; that’s what bullies do.  They pick on kind-hearted people because they are too big of a coward to pick on someone their own size and strength.–ncaaf.html;_ylt=A0oG7h5uJsdS4GgAen9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzZTRjZGhxBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1FCQUNLMV8x

Ireland Baldwin

Sometimes I am slow to reading the celebrity gossip as I don’t particularly live for it each day but I have to say something struck me as I read Ireland Baldwin was getting hate mail.  Here is a beautiful girl who has her whole life ahead of her worrying about getting hate mail from people who don’t know her.  I can feel her pain as she is urging people to give her a chance.

She is trying to make her way into modeling but has run across unfavorable comments made toward her because she isn’t as pretty as her mother or how much of an entitled brat she is.  In an effort to reach out to the world for a chance she went to her Tumbler page and posted the following comment.


Ireland writes:

“I do not want to simply be known as a model. I am proud to be my parent’s daughter, but I don’t want to forever be known as ‘that rude thoughtless little pig’ or ‘Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger’s kid.’ I have passions and interests of my own that I want to soon give life to. I want to be known for helping others and being a healthy role model. That is what matters most to me overall. Before sending hateful replies and emails, consider all of this. Talk to me! I am friendly. I do not think I am better than anyone.”

The End.

Amazingly this is a teenager who cares about what others think of her.  I hope people see this and realize that she is not just a celebrities kid born into fame and fortune but is a human being with feelings.  She bleeds just as anyone else bleeds.  She made a believer out of me as well as proved my prior post about bullying.  How really, really sad to have people say cruel things towards another when they don’t care to take the time to get to know them first.  Why? Because they don’t like the way someone look’s or maybe it’s because they don’t like themselves that they make these rude and ugly comments about people they don’t know?

My guess is that they don’t like themselves very much at all and feel the need to lash out at others in order to make themselves seem like a better person.  Here’s a news flash for you.  No matter how much you kick down someone else you are still the same person you will always be.  When you look in the mirror truth sets in and it is now compounded by more mean treatment towards others.  What you see when you look at yourself in the mirror can’t be very pleasing because you know what you’ve done to others better than anyone else.

If you want to like yourself or be able to think highly of yourself try giving to others instead.  When you give to another you will see how much better your life becomes.  I challenge you to try a different path other than bullying.  Instead of knocking a person’s looks or belittling someone you don’t know because you think they are weird get to know them.  Through getting to know them maybe you can see the world through a different set of eyes.   You may find you yourself will gain a new perspective and maybe even a good honest lifelong friend; someone to be there for you through thick and thin. Someone who unlike yourself can love you unconditionally without condemnation.

Try it you might just like the new you.  I know others will.

A World of Bullies

In my years on earth I have noticed human behavior in its finest.  I have hung out with the elite, rich people as well as run with the homeless for a few years while finding my purpose.  I walk in kindness and have been the victim of many brutal beatings, kidnaps and other torturing consequences of being a young female in the streets sleeping in abandoned cars.

I became homeless after many years of domestic violence took its toll on me.  I believed I was not worthy of the life God had given me.  Two people, a married couple found me when I was in jail on a drug charge.  They asked me what it would take for my life to be different.  I said for someone to believe in me.  I said I felt that I was born years too late in life that I wish I were born long ago in the days of the prairie because in those days there was brotherhood.

They did something completely extraordinary.  They enclosed their garage to accommodate another person then invited me to come live with them.  They did this to show the true meaning of Christ, love they neighbor.  From that moment on my life began to grow and my purpose soon became apparent.  I have dedicated my life to following God’s calling on it; help those who were like I use to be.

Songs for God came to me spontaneously and within seconds.  I had met a rhythm and blues recording artist who use to be on Mercury records who took a liking to my songs and agreed to help me with them.  He had contracted his own studio musician to put music behind all my songs. This musician was playing with Bobbie Brown & The New Edition at the time.  He went on to play with Justin Bieber. How is this possible?

I tell you my friend God is real.  In my own might I would never been able to get the top musicians and artist in the country to work with me, a nobody!  Remembering those days keeps me grounded in knowing that God does exist because I was not a lucky person.  If you heard tales of my past life and the things that took place you would know this to be so.

The next decade I spent traveling telling my story, singing my songs to women of domestic violence and those in substance abuse clinics.  I went back to school to get my AA of Science with a 4.0 average.  I then went on to get my Medical Billing Certification all through the power of believing God was watching and expected me to put my best foot forward.  Here was a woman who had given up as so many other homeless people have. Why?  Because people treated them mean to such a degree that they stopped believing in themselves.

If you want the world to get better we have to stop bullying others.  It is not productive and only causes evil to come in droves.  By knocking your fellow person you never know if that was the last knock they can take leaving them reeling out of control.  For the wicked they don’t see their part but others see it.  Those who have eyes see the hurt that the bullies have done.

The sad part is that those people who find it humorous to say mean things to people are people who don’t have enough self-confidence in themselves.  They hurt others in order to make themselves shine when all those watching can see the truth.  Bullies are like everyone else just looking for their place in this world.  How will we change this type behavior?  I think we are on the right path.  Zero tolerance to bullying. Stop the behavior while they are young and if needed go after those parents who won’t put their foot down on this behavior.

The reason I am writing this today is someone felt so threatened by my response to his comment that he called my comments pathetic and deceitful.  It was good to be able to see his insults as his problem and not mine.  I wish I could shine this light on all those who have bullies ruining their lives.  I have found the strength to draw on and His name is Jesus Christ.

Dynasty drama

The Cyberprophet

ImageI feel the need suddenly to voice an opinion regarding the recent story about Phil Robertson, the scraggly-bearded millionaire from “Duck Dynasty”. As you know, he made some rather crude comments about homosexuality and sin recently on GQ magazine, and also some comments that made him sound racist against blacks. As a result, he has been permanently banned from starring in his A&E reality series, and his family are now discussing their role with the series as well in defense of their patriarch.

Here is what the interview with Phil originally said, taken directly from the GQ website:

Out here in these woods, without any cameras around, Phil is free to say what he wants. Maybe a little too free. He’s got lots of thoughts on modern immorality, and there’s no stopping them from rushing out. Like this one:It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be…

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Charlie Sheen’s rants on Phil Robertson

Dearest Charlie

It never ceases to amaze me how you have such sight yet see so narrow mindedly.  Phil Robertson didn’t hurt your friends he only quoted what the bible says in regards to the question he was asked by probably your favorite magazine.  If you want to be mad at someone be mad at the magazine for stirring up trouble.  They knew very well how Phil would respond.

You call yourself a warlock so of course you find the bible and what is in it to be fairytale so why would you throw scripture back at Phil.  You made me laugh so hard. You don’t believe in the bible yet you can’t find another stand to take but a scripture verse?  Not very original of you.

Christians are called to apply the bible and it’s teachings to our everyday walk.  Although you will never understand that because you took the opposite path.  It is what our faith dictates us to do in order to enlighten our brother or sister to a certain way of life pleasing to God.  Never is it meant as judgment yet a person will feel condemned in hearing it when their heart is blackened by darkness.

Not just Phil but every pastor gets up on Sunday and reads passages from the bible Charlie.  Haven’t you ever been to church?  They aren’t judging their flock so how did you get that Phil was judging your friends and hurting them. If your friends have a relationship with God then they are not hurt by hearing scripture they know and understand scripture for it’s meaning. It is after all the person’s relationship with Christ that wins them into heaven so they are not worried.  I have a feeling it was you Charlie that was hurt.

This bible verse didn’t just pop up out of thin air it has been there for centuries.  It is unfortunate that the magazine asked those questions for the sake of selling their magazine but Phil is not to blame here.  Blame the greedy magazine editor that was too greedy to care about how it would affect others Charlie. Go after them because Phil did what his faith calls him to do; he quoted scripture.  Not his opinion but scripture.

I hope one day you will find peace because it is clear you are struggling in front of the whole world with your life.  You live a life where everything is a part that you play.  The people around you are phony as the day is long after you for your money or what else you may be able to do for them.  Every time I see your rants my heart breaks for you because I know deep down inside you just want to be loved like everyone else.

Phil Robertson quotes on Gay’s and Lesbian’s


Well I have been following the Phil Robertson mess until I have to speak my mind on it.  First and foremost I believe the guy was asked a question and he gave his answer.  The answer he gave was a quote in scripture.  This is his belief and his faith which anyone reading the bible on a daily basis and going to church believes in.  They are to uphold the contents of the bible as true words of God.

For you to ridicule him and to suspend him because of his religious belief’s is wrong.   I think it’s against the law even; isn’t it?  I don’t think you can discriminate against someone who works for you because of their religious beliefs.  Two why would a magazine knowing this is a man of God ask him a question like this.  It was a loaded question and the man had to quote the bible to you or he would not be true to his faith.  He would be risking his relationship with God in order to say anything else.

The magazine not only set Phil Robertson up but wanted to start trouble by stirring the pot.  I think a boycott of this magazine is in order.  I believe the magazine used Phil to sell more magazines and will not give mention to their name for that reason. How could you deliberately cause an incident such as this to deliberately hurt not only Phil Robertson but the gay and lesbian population.

It is not right what you did.  I believe that God is the only person who can say who is going to heaven or hell.  God knows a person’s heart and if it is pure or not.  God is not looking for perfection He is God. He knows that perfection isn’t going to be found in man.  Phil Robertson is standing on the word of God as set forth in the Old Testament.  He didn’t condemn them himself he quoted the scripture which included many other types of behaviors such as the drunkard and the sexually immoral so  stop twisting Phil’s word’s and intent.

Some people believe the Old Testament passed away with Jesus  even though Jesus states that he came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it I can’t interpret that.  He could have meant several things by that comment. I am not going to speculate because it is not my problem. I do what I think is right in my walk with God all others I let God sort it out.  That is His job after all not mine.  He is to judge those that shall enter into heaven.

I believe that Phil Robertson answered the question by telling this magazine what it says in the bible as if to say it is not up to him (Phil Robertson) to say one way or the other about the issue on gay’s because the bible says this to be so.

Again I am going to put it back on the magazine that published this garbage and tell them you used poor judgment and bad taste in asking the question to start with.  There is no need to make the gay population feel bad and no need to start trouble for Phil Robertson when you initiated this little pot stirring problem.

You make me sick all of you who could be so cruel to print this.  You weren’t exposing Phil for anything that people can’t figure out for themselves he is a Bible Believing Southern Man.  You just wanted to stir up trouble; unnecessary evil hurtful trouble.  I hope one day you reap what you sowed fifty times over.  That day will come sure as I am typing this; that day will come.

Phil get a lawyer I don’t think they can fire you for your religious beliefs.  You weren’t stating them while on the job were you?

Work Experience

I want to reach out to all those people who put so much in the years someone has worked at a job over the quality of the job they do.  I went to work at a company straight from billing school.  They were good enough to trust me based upon my 4.0 grade point average.

They were a OMH/Substance abuse specialty billing company.  I had one week of training when they handed me my first client.  They handed me my second client the next week and so on so by the time seven months rolled around I had five clients.  I worked their billing accounts from start to finish so when I went on to my next job after only seven months of experience I knew more than the people who had worked there 8-15 years.

I was the person who managed to pull the company out of a financial hole; me the person with seven months experience.  Now I was just passed over for a job because I have less than two years experience.  I managed to organize the company where I work so well with the right billing software that I managed my way out of a job description and was bored to death.

One person told me don’t tell them you have nothing to do they will let you go.  I said to this person I can’t just sit here four days looking at my computer screen.  I guess I could have done that but morally I wouldn’t be able to stand myself.

So all this hype about the person’s years of experience just isn’t an accurate way to look at someone and I hope this blog reaches people who will make the right choice and not put emphasis on the years you have worked somewhere because there are many people who have years of experience that don’t know what they are doing in the billing industry.  Take a look at their accomplishments on the job.  If someone like me was given two raises in a year totaling $12,000.00 that is a strong indication they are very talented in their profession.

Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball

With all the in your face stunts Miley Cyrus has been doing lately it just occurred to me how devastated she has been over losing Liam. The song Wrecking Ball when sung without all the bells and whistles Miley added put it in perspective for me. The Gregory Brothers sang it so beautifully it made me realize the song’s true depth and meaning.

Miley is having a breakdown in front of the whole world and we are mocking her and making fun of her. She was obviously hit harder than she will admit as seen by her actions. I have to give her kudos for being able to go on and perform at all through the heartbreak and turmoil. I remember all too well the devastation of my break ups; how hurtful they were. Especially when your partner moves on without you.

Miley I for one want to say I am sorry for judging you. I hope you get your peace and tranquility  back without the use of drugs to do it because you have changed. There will always be people to accept how you have changed; people who do the same things but can you trust them Miley? I hope you continue to stay strong and it no longer matters to me what you do for shock value.

Liam thinks your sexy when you stand and sing in sexy outfits. You embarrass him when you do things like twerking so if you ever want to get him back you have to stand strong in a sexy glamorous way that he can’t get you out of his mind. Don’t push him away further with vulgar acts on stage. He is a full grown gorgeous man and they want women who acts like a lady in public and twerk only them…if you catch my drift.

Good luck Miley and I hope you get Liam back but remember he has brothers who care about him so if you aren’t making him happy they are going to make sure you stay gone.

San Quentin Juvenile Lifers for Murder want 2nd Chance

Has anyone read up on this movement to release a group of gang members because they took some classes to improve themselves?  There are people who actually want to free gang members who viciously murdered people to death because they took classes  in prison to better themselves.  I saw pictures of the guys and while a couple of them  seem to be beaming with brightness the rest look evil to me.

How can they consider giving them a second chance?  My son who was 19 had just broken up with his girlfriend who was 18.  They dated for over a year.  He was devastated.  He was eating dinner with me when his two close male buddies came to get him.  I just thought it was good for his friends to come get him in his time of need.  I never dreamed they were hooking up with three other girls 13 & 14 years of age or I would have had a serious talk with him.

This woman who came with my son’s friends sent them explicitly for my son whom she had admired and wanted for her boyfriend.  My son told her he had a girlfriend but they were broken up.  He also was thinking to himself how jealous his girlfriend would become when she found out and that this would bring her back.

The one thing I failed to mention was my son had always been in the class for disabilities.  He was not thinking anything was wrong or could go wrong when this girl came onto him.  All six of these teenagers had sex but the one girl went around bragging how she had been with my son. The next thing I know he was imprisoned for 15 years serve 9 in the backwoods court systems of Georgia.

A few years into his sentence while in lock down for the first time he can’t take it anymore and he is kicking on the door and banging on the window until the guard comes to open the flap of his cell.  Just then the glass breaks and a piece of the glass goes into the guards eye. They charged and sentenced my son to another 15 years to serve after his initial sentence calling this charge assaulting a peace officer.

Do I think these boys should get a second chance absolutely not.  My son has lost his whole life for much less of a crime.   Just because you are bored and decided to do something anything to get out of your cell for the day doesn’t take the evil out of you. To hit someone in the head with a baseball bat then watch your friend finish the person off with a knife is evil.

There is something seriously wrong with this picture.  My son is the one who needs a second chance not these guys.